El mundo de las redes sociales y el mercadeo digital en general se mueve a un ritmo que a veces le dan ganas a uno a mandarse a cambiar a la Conchinchina y desconectarse por un buen rato. ¡Pero no se puede! Gracias al WhatsApp y la tonelada de amigos early adopters que uno tiene uno siempre se termina de enterarse de la última teleserie digital entre plataformas. En estos días le tocó a Instagram y la “Fortaleza de la Soledad” más reciente de los millennials, Snapchat.

When you market across cultures, what things do you need to keep in mind about your demographic? As a professor of Consumer Behavior back in 2015, we had an entire chapter in our textbook (yes, I wrote textbook) on this subject stating the marketing differences between “Hispanics and Latinos” (I´ll explain the difference between the two later), Asian Americans, African Americans, White Americans and Native Americans. In the end, we learned that successful cross culture campaigns do not focus on the similarities between minorities but concentrate on the differences, making them stand out and therefore producing that engagement that we seek. However, when it comes to marketing Latin Americans on Social Media, what do we need to remember?